Trangie Central School

Kindergarten to Year 12 - Knowledge and Honour

Telephone02 6888 7578

Learning English

The aim of English is to enable students to use, understand, appreciate, reflect on and enjoy the English language in a variety of texts and to shape meaning in ways that are imaginative, interpretive, critical and powerful.

Students in Stage 4 must read, listen to and view a variety of texts that are appropriate to their needs, interests and abilities.

Students will undertake the essential content and work towards course outcomes through close reading, listening to or viewing the following:

Stage 4 Texts


at least two works


a wide range of types of poems

Film, or film on video or DVD

at least two works


at least two works


at least two works

In each Year students must study examples of

  • spoken texts
  • print texts
  • visual texts
  • media and multimedia which should, over Stages 4 and 5, include texts drawn from radio, television, newspapers, the internet and CD-ROMs.

The selection of texts must give students experience of:

  • a widely defined Australian literature, and other Australian texts including those that give insights into Aboriginal experiences and multicultural experiences in Australia
  • literature from other countries and times
  • cultural heritages, popular cultures and youth cultures
  • picture books
  • everyday and workplace texts
  • a range of social, gender and cultural perspectives.

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